The information detailed here informs you about the framework that governs browsing on the www.gospelcross.net site, including the viewing and/or hearing of its content in all its forms, as well as its commercial department.

Note: Gospelcross may revise and modify these rules at any time without notice other than normal publication on its site. To this end, it is strongly recommended to regularly visit the site and these terms and conditions.
This update is made on March 08, 2013

The contents disseminated on the Gospelcross site have one and only one purpose: the evangelization of the End Time Message preached by the Prophet of God, the Precious Brother William Marrion Branham. This dissemination is done freely and without any barrier of church, doctrine even less denominations.

Anyone interested in this Message is welcome even if they do not believe it, provided they comply with these conditions.

Browsing on this site automatically constitutes proof of knowledge and unreserved acceptance of all these rules.

All property rights, trademark, logo, video, audio, photo, article (text) and other types of media on the site, intellectual rights (declared or not) are either the property of Gospelcross or third parties.

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The principle that information is sacred and comment is free applies. That is to say that the content is distributed as it was found at its author and the source is mentioned.

Gospelcross visitors are free to comment and even to discuss in the manner of the Indians around the fire in order to compare the opinions of each other and thus increase their knowledge and stimulate the thirst for reading the Message which constitutes the only framework exchange tolerated.

However, any personal attack tending to harass, humiliate, discriminate or insult can never be tolerated. The subject comment will, as soon as it is discovered, be deleted without any warning and without prejudice to the right of prosecution of the person who is the victim of this misdeed.

It is the responsibility of Gospelcross to keep personal data and to ensure its total and complete confidentiality. This is in no way opposed to sending news letters.

However, Gospelcross is not liable for abuse by third parties, by viruses and other computer threats which it does not have or cannot in principle have control or prevention.


In order to pay its service providers and ensure the maintenance of its equipment, Gospelcross has a commercial department that allows this financing. Donations, advertising and sales are governed by these rules without exclusion of the related navigation conditions.

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In the event of force majeure, no party can be held to perform its obligation as long as this unforeseeable and accidental event makes it impossible.


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Ordering on Gospelcross is governed by Congolese law.


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